FET Programmes

Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) Courses
PLCs are full-time and last for one to two years. They offer a mixture of practical work, academic work and work experience. They are designed as a step towards skilled employment and, as such, they are closely linked to industry and its needs. Post Leaving Certificate courses adopt an integrated approach, focusing on technical knowledge, core skills and work experience. Courses are delivered in a wide range of subjects, such as business studies, childcare, community care, computing and technology, e-commerce, horticulture, multimedia production, sport and leisure and tourism. The courses generally lead to major awards at NFQ Levels 5 and 6.
Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS)
The VTOS Scheme provides a range of courses to help people who are unemployed re-enter the workforce. The courses are full-time and are usually delivered over two academic years on a full-time basis of 30 hours per week. The courses aim to help participants to improve their level of education, gain certification, develop their skills and prepare for employment, self-employment and further education and training. Some examples include ICT, Art and Design, Business Administration, Childcare and Digital Media. The courses lead to a range of awards across NFQ levels.
Youthreach is a full-time programme, usually over two years, for young people, aged 15 to 20, who left school early and are not working. It leads to awards typically at levels 3 and 4 on the NFQ. Learners are supported in setting individual learning plans aimed at increasing their self-esteem, skills and knowledge and ability to get a job.
This programme is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF+ Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training Programme 2021-2027.
Bridging/Foundation Courses
Bridging and Foundation courses help prepare learners to be ready for labour market-led courses or entry level employment. These courses can be short or long duration. They are generally accredited at levels 3 and 4 on the NFQ. These courses are aimed at individuals who have not been working for at least a year or more, or who wish to return to employment or education and training after a long period outside of work.
This programme is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF+ Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training Programme 2021-2027.
Specific Skills Training (SST)
Specific Skills Training courses typically take over six months full-time to complete and are designed to meet the needs of industry across a range of sectors leading to accreditation at levels 4-6 on the NFQ or certification from a United Kingdom or Industry accrediting body. Courses are full-time and all-year round. Examples of courses include: Computer Applications and Office Skills, Retail Skills Health and Beauty, Business Administration, IT Security Management, Business Process Improvement, Manual and Computerised Payroll and Book-keeping, Life Sciences Manufacturing Operations.
This programme is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF+ Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training Programme 2021-2027.
Traineeships typically take from 4-9 months full-time to complete. They provide occupation-specific training and integrate formal classroom training and workplace coaching with a host employer. Courses are full time and all year round to facilitate those entering the labour market for the first time and persons wishing to up-date or acquire new skills. All programmes lead to accreditation at levels 4-6 on the NFQ or certification from a recognised external accredited body. Courses include: Beauty Therapist, Outdoor Activity Instructor, Business Systems Service Technician and Software Developer.
This programme is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF+ Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training Programme 2021-2027.
Community Training Centres (CTCs)
CTCs are independent community-based organisations, which provide training and education for early school leavers, primarily aged between 16 and 21. Examples of programmes offered include employability skills, personal and social employment skills and science skills. All programmes offer personal and social skills development through modules such as communications, personal effectiveness, teamwork, career planning and literacy and numeracy support which are integrated with the vocational training modules. Courses are generally one year in duration and are full-time and lead to major awards on the NFQ at levels 3 and 4.
Specialist Training Providers (STPS)
STPs deliver a range of flexible training programmes for people with disabilities. Courses are generally one to two years in duration, are delivered all year round and lead to accreditation at levels 1-6 on the NFQ. Course examples include ICT and vocational multi-skills. Specialist vocational training can provide a number of enhanced services for its learners including additional training duration; adapted equipment; transport arrangements; enhanced programme content which may be required for a person with a disability to achieve their potential. An enhanced trainer-learner ratio is available on these programmes.
The Local Training Initiative Programme (LTI)
The LTI is a project-based training and work experience programme carried out in the local community run by local community groups. The programme is designed for people who are unemployed, primarily those aged 18 – 35 years who are experiencing difficulty in gaining entry to the labour market. LTIs support many organisations engaged in a wide range of initiatives including genealogy, environmental, heritage, tourism, theatre, sports, and coaching. Some projects are targeted at specific groups in society. Training on Local Training Initiatives leads to accreditation at levels on the NFQ at levels 3, 4 and 5. Courses are full time and delivered all year round.
Apprenticeship is a work based structured education and training programme which formally combines and alternates learning in the workplace with learning in an education or training centre.
An apprenticeship begins with a contract of employment with an approved employer.
For more information see www.apprenticeship.ie