FET Programmes

Back To Education Initiative (BTEI)
The BTEI provides part-time Further Education programmes for young people and adults. It aims to give participants an opportunity to combine a return to learning with family, work and other responsibilities. Programmes are offered in partnership with a number of agencies throughout the country on a flexible part-time basis. Classes are offered throughout the year in the morning, afternoons, evenings or weekends. Courses lead to a range of accreditation at levels 1-6 on the NFQ.
Adult Literacy (AL)
Adult Literacy programmes are provided to people inside and outside of the labour force who want to improve their communication skills in the areas of reading, writing, and numeracy and information technology. Programmes are typically delivered for 2-4 hours per week during the academic year.
This programme is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF+ Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training Programme 2021-2027.
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
New community members in Ireland come from a wide range of social, cultural, linguistic and educational backgrounds. ESOL classes are provided across the country by Education and Training Boards (ETBs) to meet the day-to-day social, cultural and work-related language needs of new community members. Priority is given to unemployed migrants, asylum seekers and refugees with limited or no English language skills.
ESOL Literacy classes are also provided to assist people with no formal education in their home country or who don’t have basic literacy skills. These classes can be provided on either 1:1 or small group basis. Please note that all applicants will be required to complete an initial assessment before starting class. The aim of this initial assessment is to make sure people are provided with classes at the correct level.
This programme is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF+ Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training Programme 2021-2027.
Skills For Work
Skills for Work is a national programme aimed at providing opportunities to help employees deal with basic skill demands of the workplace. Programmes are 35 hours duration and designed in a flexible way to meet the needs of employer and employees. Most programmes are accredited. Courses may include a variety of subjects, which supports the educational needs of employees. All courses include literacy and numeracy elements integrated into a variety of subjects ranging from communications, computing, interpersonal skills, problem-solving and report-writing. Programmes may be delivered on the company premises or in an ETB education centres.
This programme is co-funded by the Irish Government and the European Social Fund as part of the ESF+ Employment, Inclusion, Skills and Training Programme 2021-2027.
Evening Courses
Part-time evening courses of typically 30 hours duration over 10 weeks provide short up-skilling modules for both unemployed and employed persons. Examples of courses include Welding TIG, Interior Design, ECDL, CAD, Door Security, Supervisory Management, and Start Your Own Business. Courses generally lead to accreditation at levels 4-6 on the NFQ or certification from a recognised Industry accrediting body.
Blended Learning Courses
Blended learning courses can last up to 6 months and utilise the best mix of classroom, lab, practical, on-line training and tutor support to suit the need of those individuals who need a more flexible way to meet their training needs. Course examples include CAD 3D Parametric Modelling, Industrial Automation, Electrical/Electronic Control Systems and Management Development, Manual and Computerised Payroll and Bookkeeping. Courses are delivered all year round and lead to accreditation at levels 4-6 on the NFQ or certification from a recognised Industry accredited body.
Community Education
Community Education works with adults who wish to return to or continue their education, offering a learner-centred approach involving personal supports and tuition leading to positive personal, social and economic outcomes. It focusses its work on people who have not been in employment or education for a long-time, and is generally developed in local community projects and centres. Community Education offers a diversity of courses including courses leading to accreditation from Level 3 – 8 on the NFQ, informal and non-formal courses which are not accredited, short introductory courses, full time yearlong programmes and courses in everything from life skills to professional qualifications. Community Education is delivered all over Ireland by a range of providers including independently managed not for profit groups and statutory organisations. It takes place in a wide variety of community projects, resource centres, voluntary organisations, etc.